Tales From An Unfamiliar Nation is CURRENTLY CLOSED for submissions
Guidelines for when we are open
We pay authors for all accepted stories, which will be posted on the main page.
The minimum criteria for a submission is below, everything else will be up to the editors’s discretion:
Have speculative elements integral to the story
Not published anywhere else yet (posts on feedback forums are okay)
Are connected to South Asian history and/or mythology
Do not simply retell mythological stories
Are in English (sorry! we’ll add more languages if this ever takes off!)
Are fewer than 5000 words (no exceptions)
Submission Process
Email your story to admin@tfaun.com
Keep SUBMISSION in the email subject
Please format the story in standard manuscript format
File formats preferred: doc, docx or PDF
Response timing
The goal is to acknowledge receipt of stories within 14 days and provide confirmed selections by the 15th of each month
If you do not receive any response, your story is still in the queue (it’s just one person reading these right now)
Please do not reach out again until 14 days have passed since your submission
Stories will be read by us and will be selected based on editorial discretion — please read through prior tales if you want to get an idea of what works well with our editors
We will publish stories on the 1st of the next month
Accepted stories will be awarded $50 (at exchange rates as of day of payment)
Ownership & Other Legalese
You will retain all rights to your stories and you can re-publish them wherever you want
The site creators are making no revenue off this endeavor and are maintaining it out of their own interest